Monday, July 25, 2011

Vietnam Legacy Airsoft Game, Aug. 20 @Wayne's World

Operation: Constrictor
August 20, 2011
Wayne's World of Paintball, Ocala, FL
$35 pre-reg / $40 at door

Register Here!
Download the Players Pack Here!

Late Summer, 1966
Kontum Province, Vietnam

In an effort to disrupt movement of supplies along the Ho Chi Minh Trail, the 12th Inf. Reg. 4th Id. & Delta Co. 1st Bn. 5th SFG are deployed to the tri-border area of the Kon Tum Province. A large, NVA run training camp has been established in the province and the city of Dak To has fallen to communist control. US Forces are to regain control of Dak To and begin a systematic search and destroy campaign to eliminate NVA/VC supply caches and restore control to government and Army of the Republic of Vietnam.


US Forces
Tiger Stripe - Delta Co. 1st Bn. 5th SFG
Olive Drab - 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division
Woodland - 26th Marine Regiment, 5th Marine Division

NVA/VC Forces
Tan - 28 Inf Regt NVA
Black - K37 NVA Sapper Bn (VC)